My Playground

You are visiting my personal playground where I've been exploring new things or just messing around with different techniques, including: Motion Graphics, Creative Coding, Interactive Experience, 3D Modeling, Photography, and more.

More "Fun" Projects...

⚙️ 🌐 Humidifier
3D Modeling
product modeling

Sketching the forms and 3D Modeling my first humidifier product ever. I'm so excited to see more of my 3D Projects coming to life.

⚙️💡 Unity Learning Process

I have a chance to learn about Unity and improve my JavaScript skill through an MFA Course (IXD-602-UX STUDIO II) in this semester. I just want to put my process here so I can see how my learning curve been improved.

🎥 🧿 Are you being watched?
Project mapping

"Are you being watched?" is a digital-based installation developed based on projection mapping method. Through this experience, we want to briefly illustrate how we’re being watched by the surveillance culture in this digital age. By interacting with technology, such as texting, video calling, etc., we should be acknowledged that our privacy as well as our personal information is being shared. The eyes are used to provoke the hopelessness among audience.

Credits: Julia St Aubin (Script writer, Animator)

🔎💤 How do you sleep?
Interactive experience

Being inspired by an article on VOX, we want to design a machine that can showcase the fact that we all have different sleeping experience. By interacting with the machine, users can customize how their dreams look like and witness a variety of sleeping experience via different media channels, such as visuals, sounds, and colors.

Credits: Julia St. Aubin (Editor, Presentation Designer)

😷🎁 Your Plastic Gift

This is my first personal photography project that I was a Creative Director as well as Photographer. Throughout this project, I wanted to indicate an undeniably sad fact that our Earth is being polluted (ill) by the plastic "gifts" from its beloved humans. Full project is HERE

✳︎✱ TheMainWork Lamp
Product crafting
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And make something big !